26 Jul 2006


On 26 July 2006, Repin, me the girls went to Bandung with Lela and Rahman. For most of us it was the first time. Repin had been here before.
Bandung airport must be the smallest I've seen. The arrivals and departures are at the same place and our baggage too were picked in a corner, just after the immigration and custums, all in the same small area. We were picked by Pak Andi, a young man of Dutch descent, quite fair and fairly good looking too. He drove an Unser or actually KIjang as they call it here. Leaving the tiny airport we passed a number of universities, some quite well lnown as Pak Andi says, however they looked uncared for to me.
Anyway the well known Pandjajaran University, was quite impressive looking. It seems that their medical faculty is quite big too.
The hotel on Jalan Sukajadi is small but clean and quite comfortable. My room faced the main road opposite while the girls' room faced the courtyard. So was Lela and Rahman's room. This is our first trip together and it is rather nice to be travelling with your sister.
That afternoon after a lunch at one of the Padang restaurants, we were taken for a tour of the city. Bandung is cooler and less crowded than Jakarta. Since it is higher and more inland too, the temperature remains in the 70s mostly (20s). Nice to walk around.
There are lots of trees - most of the roads are tree -lined on both sides. And the warehouses are actually bungalows- taken over by entrepreneurs to sell reject stuff from the numerous factories. They call themselves factory outlets.

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