12 Jan 2011


I haven't really much time these days to post on my blog - I've started teaching again this semester - the same course as I taught last year. This year though I've only got 10 students - some of them the ones I taught last year in the Literature Methodology class. This one is Simulated Teaching in Literature Education, that is I'll be teaching students how to teach Literature. Life is busier too because Wan my second boy is getting married! Preparations are already under way and luckily for me I have my sisters to help out. Lela my sister will be making the pelamin or dais which is so necessary for any Malay wedding, be it modern or traditional. We'll have two weddings too - one in Malacca where all my relatives are, and one in KL where all our friends are. When Rizal got married last time we had it at the old Semabok house in Malacca and only a few close friends turned up. So this time we decided to have two weddings -one in each place.

As for  my new little kitty, not so new and not so little now - she's getting bigger and naughtier by the day. We had to change her name back to Mulan, the name they called her back when she belonged to my sister Jasmine. She used to jump on me when I'm praying and cling on to the prayer clothes. My right hand is full of tiny scars - a legacy of hers. When I play with her, she will bite and kick fiercely, not knowing yet how to control her claws so I have to be very careful. I've learnt to pull away when she's too fierce.

 Look at her eyeing my aquarium! She's there every day, morning or night, watching the fish swim. Sometimes she tries to swipe at them with her paws! Sometimes she climbs on top and stares at the tiny fish inside the aquarium!!

"If only I can get those wriggly things... how do I get them?"


The Bookworm said...

Congrats on your son getting married! That is wonderful :)

Mulan really wants those fish lol

Best of luck with work, how interesting that you teach how to teach Lit.


Gattina said...

How sweet and typical kitty ! I remember that my hands too were full of scratches ! but that stops when they are getting older.